121 |
OIE 육상동물규약(Chapter 10.5. Avian mycoplasmosis (Mycoplasma gallisepticum))
조기현 |
2013-09-06 |
2383 |
120 |
OIE 육상동물규약(Chapter 10.4. Infection with avian influenza viruses)
조기현 |
2013-09-06 |
2301 |
119 |
OIE 육상동물규약(Chapter 10.3. Avian infectious laryngotracheitis)
조기현 |
2013-09-06 |
2419 |
118 |
OIE 육상동물규약(Chapter 10.2. Avian infectious bronchitis)
조기현 |
2013-09-06 |
2336 |
117 |
OIE 육상동물규약(Chapter 10.1. Avian chlamydiosis)
조기현 |
2013-09-06 |
2558 |
116 |
OIE 육상동물규약(Chapter 9.6. Infestation of honey bees with Varroa spp.(Varroosis))
조기현 |
2013-09-06 |
2423 |
115 |
OIE 육상동물규약(Chapter 9.5. Infestation of honey bees with Tropilaelaps spp.)
조기현 |
2013-09-06 |
2366 |
114 |
OIE 육상동물규약(Chapter 9.4. Infestation with Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle))
조기현 |
2013-09-06 |
2484 |
113 |
OIE 육상동물규약(Chapter 9.3. Infection of honey bees with Melissococcus plutonius (European foulbrood))
조기현 |
2013-09-06 |
2575 |
112 |
OIE 육상동물규약(Chapter 9.2. Infection oh honey bees with Paenibacillus larvae (American foulbrood))
조기현 |
2013-09-06 |
2578 |