A workshop on “Diagnosis of Bovine brucellosis” was held at NVRQS ( 07/07/26 ) | |||||
Part | Charger | nhm | date | 07/07/26 | |
The 2nd workshop on “Diagnosis of Bovine brucellosis” was held on July 19, 2007 at NVRQS. The workshop was intended to enhance diagnostic ability of people in charge of brucellosis diagnosis in local veterinary service laboratories nationwide. A total of 40 participants attended and participated in the program. The workshop consisted of a few presentations followed by a brief section on practice: “Overview of bovine brucellosis” by Dr. Sukchan Jeong, director of Bacteriology and parasitology division, “Isolation and identification of B. abortus” by Dr. Hyangmi Nam, and “Interpretation of Tube agglutination test results” by Dr. Donghee Cho.
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