Pandemic Influenza Rapid Response Workshop ( 07/07/25 ) | |||||
Part | Charger | parkjy | date | 07/07/25 | |
Director Sang Jin Lee and staff of the Veterinary Epidemiology Division attended the Pandemic Influenza Rapid Response Workshop, to give a presentation '06/'07 HPAI in Korea.
The workshop was held from 10~12 July 2007 and sponsored by USFK, 18th MEDCOM, USPACOM, DOD-GEIS, KCDC, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Korea Ministry of National Defense and AFMC, with curriculum provided by WHO, US CDC and Airforce IOH. Subjects included response plans for Korea, US and WHO, AI experiences in Korea, case investigations, PPE donning demonstrations and table top exercises.
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