The 1st new research paper published in pathology division ( 07/07/20 ) | |||||
Part | Charger | jwbyun | date | 07/07/20 | |
One research paper was published in January this year: Kor J Vet Publ. Hlth 31(1), 15-19, 2007
Title: "Prevalence of Canine Dirofilariasis of the Stray Dogs in Korea"
Prevalence of the Dirofilariasis(Dirofilaria immitis) was investigated by gross and histopathologic examination on the 565 stray dogs rescued from all over the country. Grossly, adults dirofilaria were detected in right atrium, right ventricle and pulmonary artery. Pulmonary artery showed microscopically villous intimal proliferation and fibrotic lesion. Microfilaria were detected in the blood vessel of lung, cerebellum and most other organs. There were no significant differences of the positive rates among geographical regions and sex. However, the mean positive rate of two to five-year-old dog was significantly higher than those of less than two-year-old dog and six or more-year-old dog(P<0.001).
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