Interview Relay with Customer at Division of Bacteriology and Parasitology ( 07/06/29 ) | |||||
Part | Charger | choys | date | 07/06/29 | |
Interview relay with customer was initiated for hearing and keeping contact with the practical issues in the field from the VIP (very important person) relevant to our division's project, that is, the research and development of control measure for bacterial and parasitic infectious diseases in the animal society. The first one was held on June 20th, 2007 with Prof. Soon Yong Baek as our customer. Prof. Soon Yong Baek has endeavoured to overcome animal diseases, especially bovine diseases, who had worked in the SungKyounGwan University and now manages an animal hospital to continue the improvement of the animal health. He told various good points to us,which were severe outbreaks of calf diarrhea and mastitis, and importance of the farmer education as well as the unification of surveillance administrator for the label of livestock product origin. Our division decided to accept the education to dairy cattle farmers about mastitis and the research projects about calf diarrhea and cattle reproductive diseases and so on.
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