Cellular treatment using dendritic cells ( 07/06/27 ) | |||||
Part | Charger | chodh | date | 07/06/27 | |
Seminar on cellular treatment using dendritic cells was held on June 26, 2007 in NVRQS. Professor Ko, Hongbum from Chunnam National University, who also works for Bacteriology and Parasitology Division, NVRQS, made presentation.
Recently, dendritic cell has received attention as immunotherapeutic agent because of its strong antigen presentation activity. The research conducted by Professor Ko revealed that the dendritic cells could be activated by B. abortus UvrA gene. The activated cells secreted increased amount of IL-12 and IL-4. In addition, elevated expression level of cell surface phenotypes was observed when compared with immature dendritic cells. Those phenotypic markers included CD 11c, CD40, CD80, CD83, and CD86.
Further research on treatment will be followed and it will provide an efficient tool to control bovine brucellosis.
Please contact Donghee Cho(Tel:031-467-1829) if more information is required.
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