The concept of HACCP / Features of HACCP ( 07/05/31 ) | |||||
Part | Charger | parkjk | date | 07/05/31 | |
The concept of HACCP
HACCP : Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
Sanitary Control For Livestock Products, Animal Feed and Farm
• HACCP is an abbreviation of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point and is pronounced as『haesup』.
• The HACCP system is a prior hazard control technique to analyze hazard likely to have harmful influence on the sanitation of livestock products during the whole processes such as raising, slaughter, processing, packing and distribution of livestock and to control it scientifically, systematically and intensively by setting critical control points at a stage which can prevent/remove such hazard or secure safety.
HA(Hazard Analysis)
A process to grasp and analyze biological, chemical and physical hazard to enable generation and mixing in the ingredients and processes
• Biological hazard: Pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella, Listeria, etc.
• Chemical hazard: Chemicals such as animal medicines, agricultural chemicals, dioxine, etc.
• Physical hazard: Foreign materials such as fur, metals, injection syringes, etc.
CCP(Critical Control Point)
A stage, course or process to secure safety of livestock products by preventing/removing hazard or reducing them below allowable levels
• Suppression or reduction of the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms through temperature control(disinfection, sterilization process temperature, custody temperature), etc. during production of products
• Exclusion of the mixing of metallic foreign materials from products through metal detector management
Features of HACCP
Sanitation control methods
Hazard factor control
Required costs
Product safety manager
HACCP sanitation control systems
Prior prevention of hazard
Securement of perfectness of whole products
Process control(important control point control, CCP)
Hazard factor control via analysis
Immediate measures taken as necessary
Low operation costs after introducing systems
Unskilled personnel possible
Existing sanitation control systems
Post-control of hazard
Minimization of defect rate in the final products
Control and inspection of final products
Control of prescribed hazard only
Long time required for tests and analysis
Lots of costs required for tests and analysis
Skilled personnel only possible
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