Book Publication: "Diagnostic Case Collection on the Animal Diseases" ( 07/05/18 ) | |||||
Part | Charger | jwbyun | date | 07/05/18 | |
National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service(NVRQS) published a practical book, "Diagnostic Case Collection on the Animal Diseases" on May 10, 2007.
The objective of publishing this book is to introduce the disease status and to note the outbreak patterns of disease in Korea. The book contains the cases which have recently been occurred in animals reared in Korea. Accordingly, it could be useful for the local laboratories to which conduct their works for animal disease. It was also made to inform the status of the diseases to pro-veterinarians and those related with animal disease.
It contains the description on the 47 diagnostic cases of varying animal species with color photos. Each case is briefly written by the key notes including outbreak area, laboratory results, name of diagnosis, causativeness and measures.
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