Disease Information (9) (Provided by Emerging Exotic Diseases Lab, Foreign Animal Diseases Division) ( 07/05/11 ) | |||||
Part | Charger | leeyh | date | 07/05/11 | |
□ Equine Viral Arteritis
1. Definition
- contagious viral disease affecting only equidae
2. Aetiology
- Family Arteriviridae, Genus Arterivirus, Equine Arteritis Virus(EAV)
3. Host range
- only equidae
4. Geographical distribution
- World-wide distribution
5. Transmission
- EVA is primarily a respiratory disease. Particles from acutely infected horses' nasal discharges are inhaled, often during the movement of horses at sales, shows, and racetracks. Horses are herd animals that tend to commingle, and this close contact facilitates the spread of the virus.
- EVA can also be transmitted venereally during breeding, either naturally or by artificial insemination. Infected stallions are very likely to become virus carriers for a long time. Once stallions are in the carrier state, they transmit the virus to mares during breeding.
- A pregnant mare infected with EVA may pass the virus to her unborn fetus. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, the fetus can become infected, die, and be aborted. If the infected foal is born, it will only live for a few days.
6. Incubation period
- Incubation period is 3~14days ( in case of venereally transmission : 6 ~ 8days)
7. Diagnosis
- Clinical Diagnosis
Many horses infected with EVA are asymptomatic.
In the acute stage : fever, nasal discharge, loss of appetite, respiratory distress, skin rash, muscle soreness, conjunctivitis, and depression. Other clinical signs in infected animals are swelling around the eyes and ocular discharge, swollen limbs, swollen genitals in stallions, and swollen mammary glands in mares.
Abortion in pregnant mares is also a symptom of EVA. Abortion rates in EVA-infected mares can be as low as 10 percent or as high as 70 percent.
- Lab. Diagnosis
Virus isolation : swabs of the nose, throat, or eyes; semen, placentas, or fetal tissue; and blood samples.
Serological test : Serum Neutralization Test
8. Control and eradication
- EVA vaccination
9. Public health aspects
- There is no risk to human health
10. Further Information :
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