Disease Information (6) (Provided by Emerging Exotic Diseases Lab, Foreign Animal Diseases Division) ( 07/05/11 ) | |||||
Part | Charger | leeyh | date | 07/05/11 | |
□ Peste des petits ruminants
1. Definition
- Highly contagious and pathogenic viral disease in small ruminants
2. Aetiology
- Virus family Paramyxoviridae, genus Morbillivirus. Antigenically close to rinderpest virus
3. Host range
- Sheep and especially goats. To date diagnosed only in captive wild ungulates from families of Gazellinae (dorcas gazelle), Caprinae (Nubian ibex and Laristan sheep) and Hippotraginae (gemsbok)
- Experimentally the American white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is fully susceptible
- Cattle and pigs develop inapparent infections
- Breed-linked predisposition in goats
4. Geographical distribution
- PPR occurs in Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, the Middle East and India
- For detailed information on occurrence, see recent issues of World Animal Health and the OIE Bulletin
5. Transmission
- Direct contact between animals
- No carrier state
- Seasonal variations: more frequent outbreaks during the rainy season or the dry cold season
- Sources of virus : Tears, nasal discharge, coughed secretions, and all secretions and excretions of incubating and sick animals
6. Incubation period
- Incubation period is 3-10 days.
7. Gross lesions
- Emaciation, conjunctivitis, erosive stomatitis involving the inside of the lower lips and adjacent gum near the commisures and the free portion of the tongue
- Lesions on the hard palate, pharynx and upper third of the oesophagus in severe cases
- Rumen, reticulum and omasum rarely have lesions
- Small streaks of haemorrhages and sometimes erosions: in the first portion of the duodenum and the terminal ileum
- Extensive necrosis and sometimes severe ulceration of Peyer's patches
- Congestion around the ileo-caecal valve, at the caeco-colic junction and in the rectum. 'Zebra stripes' of congestion in the posterior part of the colon
- Small erosions and petechiae on the nasal mucosa, turbinates, larynx and trachea
- Bronchopneumonia is a constant lesion
- Possibility of pleuritis and hydrothorax
- Congestion and enlargement of spleen
- Congestion, enlargement and oedema of most of the lymph nodes
- Erosive vulvovaginitis may exist
8. Diagnosis
- Clinical diagnosis
Acute form
Sudden rise in body temperature (40-41°C) with effects on the general state: restlessness, dull coat, dry muzzle, depression of appetite
Serous nasal discharge becoming mucopurulent and resulting, at times, in a profuse catarrhal exudate which crusts over and occludes the nostrils. Respiratory distress
Small areas of necrosis on the visible nasal mucous membrane
Congestion of conjunctiva, crusting on the medial canthus and sometimes profuse catarrhal conjunctivitis
Necrotic stomatitis with halitosis is common
Severe non-haemorrhagic diarrhoea
Bronchopneumonia evidenced by coughing is a common feature
Dehydration, emaciation, dyspnoea, hypothermia and death within 5-10 days
Peracute form
Frequent in goats
Subacute and chronic forms
Frequent in some areas because of local breed susceptibility
10-15 days development with inconsistent symptoms
- Laboratory diagnosis
Identification of the agent
Antigen detection
Agar gel immunodiffusion
Counter immunoelectrophoresis
Indirect fluorescent antibody test
Virus isolation and identification
In primary lamb kidney cells or VERO cell line
Virus neutralisation
Electron microscopy
Virus RNA detection
PPR-specific cDNA probes
Amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Serological tests
Virus neutralisation (prescribed test in the Manual
Competitive ELISA
Counter immunoelectrophoresis
Agar gel immunodiffusion Immunodiffusion inhibition test
Swabs of the conjunctival discharges and from the nasal, buccal and rectal mucosae
Whole blood collected on heparin (blood and anticoagulant should be mixed gently)
Lymph nodes, especially the mesenteric and bronchial nodes
Large intestine and lungs
Samples should be transported under refrigeration
9. Control and eradication
- Isolation or slaughtering of sick and in-contact animals
- Destruction of cadavers
- Disinfection
- Protection of free zones
10. Public health aspects
- There is no risk to human health
11. Further infomation : http://www.oie.int/eng/maladies/en_fiches.htm?e1d7
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