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Agreement between NVRQS and KOICA for the project to establish a diagnostic center on animal viral diseases in Mongolia
07/08/21 |
14 |
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International Symphosium on Prion Diseases 2007 (16.Oct.2007)
07/08/20 |
6 |
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Monthly Review of Animal Disease Diagnosis(2007.7)
07/08/20 |
9 |
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Visiting a school feeding delivery Livestock Products enterprise
07/08/17 |
10 |
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You can access Library of National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service from Google Scholar! - Electronic Library of NVRQS opened linking service -
07/08/16 |
11 |
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The 1st weeds rooting out event
07/08/14 |
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"Good Time" meeting for the Pathology Division colleagues
07/08/14 |
16 |
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Published paper on Phenotypic and Genetic Antibiograms of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococci Isolated from Bovine Mastitis in Korea
07/08/10 |
17 |
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published paper on Application of a New Portable Microscopic Somatic Cell Counter with Disposable Plastic Chip for Milk Analysis
07/08/10 |
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Patent issued: "Effect based biomarker, Apo A-1 for borminated compounds and diagnostic kit thereof"
07/08/10 |
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