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Facilities Standards per Business Type - Storage Industry of Stock Farm Products
07/08/30 |
6 |
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Facilities Standards per Business Type - Processing Industry of Stock Farm Products
07/08/30 |
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Holding of a circulated social gathering to raise cleanliness - Busan Branch
07/08/30 |
3 |
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Holding of a ceremony to confer a letter of appointment for new employees at the National Veterinary Research Quarantine Service
07/08/30 |
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Holding of a morning gathering and a special lecture on laughter for employees in August at the National Veterinary Research Quarantine Service
07/08/30 |
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A meeting called “Good Time” held for researchers in the Avian Disease Division
07/08/29 |
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Newly published articles in Chemosphere(SCI)
07/08/29 |
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Animal Photo Contest in NVRQS
07/08/29 |
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Congratulatory Address on the 6th Congress on Alternatives & Animal Use in the Life Sciences
07/08/28 |
7 |
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Dir. Yi-Seok Joo of Foreign Animal Disease Division, NVRQS was invited as a hournarable speaker of the 13th International WAVLD Symposium.
07/08/24 |
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